During the month of February as we celebrated African American History Month, Presidents Day and read about the Underground Railroad, Lincoln's Gettysburg Address became especially relevant and meaningful. I used this with my intermediate/advanced level students in conjunction with the Easy English Newspaper. The Word Help and especially the Easy English translation were invaluable to furthering my students' understanding of, and appreciation for. this important part of American history that continues to have significance to this day..
I am a volunteer librarian at a school that specializes in teaching students who have learning disabilities. The Gettysburg Address in simple English has been an excellent resource for the teachers and students at our school!
Haven’t used it with these students yet, but I’ve used it previously and thought it was a terrific tool for helping new English learners to understand this magnificent speech!
Great and useful for the classroom.
The easy English version was perfect for my student. It was a terrific addition to the newspaper's Civil War article.