A multitude of teaching opportunities are subtly embedded in the novel, The New Boy is Lost! and you won't want to miss them. With The New Boy Is Lost! Teacher's Guide and Activity Kit, the "picture-novel" turns into an entire ESL program.
Chapter-by-chapter tips for:
- The development of vocabulary, suspense, and themes
- Language-extension activities
- Question banks at three levels
- 45 reproducible activity pages
The Teacher's Guide and Activity Kit helps you use The New Boy Is Lost! with:
- Pre-literate and beginning ESL students
- Intermediate ESL students
- Advanced ESL
- Multilevel ESL classes
- For evaluating ESL students' listening and comprehension skills
- Beginning guided writing
- Speaking and listening games
The New Boy Is Lost Teacher's Guide includes activities for:
- Cooperative learning
- Creative writing projects
- Literature discussions
- Research
- And much more